h’Art 19


It has been a busy week at Blue Ginger Gallery where I have my recent paintings in the exhibition for h’Art 19. I shall be at the gallery during this final weekend and hope to see more visitors at this special gallery just a few miles from Ledbury. Lots of home made cake too !

Recent paintings relating to walks around the Malvern Hills

Those of us who live and work in Ledbury are fortunate to be able to walk into remarkably varied countryside to feed our creativity and raise our spirit. We can climb onto Dog Hill and then up onto Bradwell Knoll where John Masefield walked as a boy. We can walk along Marcle Ridge to the East, glimpsing a patchwork of fields or explore the paths to the South where the group known as the Dymock Poets, including Robert Frost and Edward Thomas walked and talked. The magnificent Malvern Hills are an ever present backdrop to our lives.

My concertina book and painted canvases are from a series of work about my walks. These paintings and book was my work submitted for the Bookarts exhibition for the Ledbury Poetry Festival 2018, at Weavers Gallery.